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Take your reports to the next level

Create streamlined reports with OnlineReports

Create better reports

SaaS platform for creating effective interactive reports in a smart way - always with a professional look.

Easy to customize

OnlineReports makes it easy to customize your reports and make sure they follow your graphic profile.

Save time and money

With OnlineReports, your work not only becomes more efficient - it also results in significant savings for your company.

What is OnlineReports?

OnlineReports create benefits for both large and small listed companies when it's time for reporting. With our cloud service, you can easily create stylish and interactive reports. OnlineReports makes it easy to customize your reports and make sure they follow your graphic profile. The end result will be a professional report that is both simple and affordable to produce.

All development of new functionality benefits all customers

Several people can work in the report at the same time

Easier for an analyst to download numbers directly to Excel

Safe and secure platform

Publishing requires only a push of a button

Finansiell Rapport Verktyg Säker

100 published reports

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About OnlineReports

Streamline your reports with OnlineReports

The cloud service OnlineReports has sprung from a desire to simplify the work of producing reports for listed companies. Thanks to OnlineReports, what used to be both time-consuming and expensive has become easy and affordable to do. Thanks to the digital platform, you can quickly create interactive reports that follow your graphic profile.


Professional look

Present the company's reports in a modern and professional way.

Save time and money

Reduce external and internal resources. Savings of up to 40 percent compared to more traditional processes

Simplified process

Gives the user a higher degree of control when it comes to creation, editing and publishing.

Last-minute changes

Much easier for the end user than working in external software (Word / InDesign).

Some of our reports

A selection of our customers

Digital rapport
Online Reports

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